Saturday, February 4, 2012

Are you READY?

Hello Everyone!

:) Live by this

I hope you are doing well. I have been extremely busy with student teaching, training, and working. I am staying on top of all my goals, and taking steps to reach my dreams each day. Today marks 12 weeks out for the ::2012 NPC Fox Cities Showdown::. I am very excited for this show as I have made a lot of great improvements since last season. I started my contest prep January 1st, and I am continuously making progress, dropping in body fat %, and still gaining muscle while holding onto my strength.

I have made some changes in my cardio as I am only able to go in the evening after I lift. The first few weeks I was doing 2-a-days and now I am doing 40minutes on the treadmill (incline 15, speed 4.1-4.5 mph) followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical (incline 16, resistance 6). It is going well, and I feel too guilty to miss a day of it. I remember last season when I would count down the clock for 30 minutes once the time said 27...and now I am just going..and going...and going with a smile on my face. There is no stopping me!

My shoulder is feeling much better, and I am able to lift again. I am still holding onto all of my strength. My lifting splits consist of: Back, Quads and Abs, Shoulders n Traps, Hammies, Chest and Abs, Arms. Every other day I do 100 lunges with 50# chains around my neck down the hall at the gym. I can tell that the lunges are SIGNIFICANTLY helping and I am going to continue doing them. My good friend April has been coming to the gym with me a few nights a week too which makes it a lot of fun. I enjoy teaching her new things and we share encouragement with each other. I'm proud of you chica!!!

My diet is going pretty good. It is challenging to get my meals in during the day at school because the students are my #1 priority. Unfortunately I cannot put a hold on class to scarf down some chicken and sweet potatoes :)  I am sticking to egg whites, tuna, lightly salted gluten free rice cakes, green beans, natural peanut butter, raw almonds, and chicken. I enjoyed my last cheat meal with my good friend Diana. We had sushi and it was amazing :)

Chest: 33inches (same)...TOTAL LOST .5 inches
Waist: 25.5 inches (down .5 inches) TOTAL LOST 1.5 inches
Hips: 34 inches (same) TOTAL LOST .5 inches
Quads: 22 inches (same) TOTAL LOST 1 inch
Biceps: 11 inches (down .5 inches) TOTAL LOST .5 inches
Calves: 15 inches (same)....TOTAL LOST 0 inches
I am noticing changes each week. I can tell by the way my "teacher" clothes are fitting, and I am definitely going to need to buy some more dress pants because mine are falling off. My spandex workout capris are also getting loser in some areas. I decided to add the total number of inches lost for each body part measured since January 1st. After looking at that, I am even happier with my progress. Do the work, and you will be rewarded!

I had the opportunity to come home this weekend to visit my family and friends. I was very happy I got to see my iron sister, Diana. I love ya chica and I am so proud of you! We are going to blow the roof off in 12 weeks!!!!! I was so happy to see my mom. I came home and she had made chicken and sweet potatoes for me already. She also had almonds, rice cakes, and green beans on hand for me. She is the best :)) I am so thankful to have such a great support system <3

I am extremely happy right now. I love getting to the school early every day to continue planning ahead for lessons for my students. I love changing the lives of my students every day, teaching them new things, and learning new ways to help them succeed. I love learning from my cooperating teacher how to be the best teacher I can be. {She is amazing. She supports me in every way possible, and I am so fortunate to work with her another semester} I love being in ::beastmode:: in the gym for 2+ hours every night. I...well...I don't love going to work haha... but it is an easy job and it helps add to the bikini fund...which in the end helps me get closer to my dreams so I suppose I love that too :) I am so fortunate to have a supportive family and friends. Everything is falling into place for me, and I couldn't be more thankful to be on this journey.

Make it a GREAT week!!!!!

<3 SJ xo

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